What’s special? International students’ perceptions of Special Collections.

During February-March 2016 I developed a project for my PG Cert in Academic Practice, focused on how international students perceive the special collections drop-in sessions that we carry out every week at Chelsea College of Arts Library, University of the Arts London. The library holds an important collection of artists’ books, multiples, rare periodicals and […]

Artists’ Books News, August 2016

Artists’ Books News, August 2016  Exhibitions ‘Exploring Artists’ Books’ mini-project with Double Elephant Print Workshop and Exeter Library. Catherine Cartwright of Double Elephant Print Workshop reports on a recent ABPP loan of artists’ books and bookmaking tools from the Centre for Fine Print Research, with an exhibition opening in Exeter: This five-week project was specifically for […]

Council News, July 2016

Council News, July 2016 Council met on June 21 in the meeting room of the National Portrait Gallery. Thank you to Joseph Ripp for hosting us.  As I wrote in my last report from Council, ARLIS is at a crossroads and we have to evaluate everything we do so we spent time discussing the findings […]

In conversation with…

In this August feature we meet David Thompson, Librarian for Arts and Media (encompassing courses in art, fashion, photography, journalism, media and production) at the University of Gloucestershire. David is a librarian, artist, parrot-keeper, and walking canvas. We talk theology, tattoos, and ARLIS catering… Image credit: Reece Pickering How did you come to art librarianship? I came to […]