Past publications

All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist

Edited by Judy Vaknin, Karyn Stuckey and Victoria Lane

ISBN: 978-1-9074717-6-6


From their different viewpoints artists, archivists and art historians reflect on the ways that artists and archivists deal with ‘ all this stuff’ and how artists manage and relate to their own archives.

Contributors range from Penelope Curtis (Director of Tate Britain) to artist Bruce McLean to the John Latham Archive archivist who is seeking to catalogue Latham’s work in accordance with his theories. Interviews with Barbara Steveni and Gustav Metzger also feature.


Art Exhibition Documentation in Libraries: Cataloguing Guidelines
ISBN-10: 0956276350
ISBN-13: 978-0956276353
Compiled by the ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee
Price £28, this title is available by print on demand

This book is an invaluable addition to the professional literature for cataloguers interested in standards and data sharing.


Artists’ Books: A Cataloguers’ Manual
ISBN: 978-0-9552445-0-6
Compiled by Maria White, Patrick Perratt and Liz Lawes for the ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee
Price £35, this title is available by print on demand

Designed for anyone involved in the cataloguing of artists’ books. As many cataloguers may not be very familiar with the genre, the manual is preceded by an introductory section giving a brief history of artists’ books, a discussion of the problems associated with defining the term itself and an outline of specific problems the cataloguer may face. The manual itself takes the cataloguer through each applicable rule from AACR2, offering guidance on interpretation and, where necessary, expanding on the rules. Appendices include full examples in MARC21, some with photographs, a bibliography and a list of websites that the cataloguer may find useful.


Displays and Exhibitions in Art Libraries
Editors: Christine Milne and Annamarie McKie
ISBN: 978-0-9562763-0-8

Interested in showcasing library collections or thinking of using libraries as exhibition spaces? This book contains case studies, advice & tips from art library professionals to help you make displays or exhibitions you plan visually appealing, expertly researched & well designed with a strong curatorial influence. Includes a list of suppliers of display equipment, glossary of useful display terms & bibliography of relevant books & websites.


First Steps in Archives: A Practical Guide
ISBN: 978-0-9519674-9-2
Compiled by the ARLIS/UK & Ireland Visual Arts Committee

This straightforward introduction to the key principles of archive work is designed for anyone whose collections include archive material but who has no formal training in this area. It includes contributions from experienced archivists on the core subjects of acquisitions and appraisal, cataloguing, preservation, reader services and marketing, as well as a glossary of archive terms.



Occasional Publications



Art Researchers’ Guide to Cardiff and South Wales
Edited by Lousie Carey, Kristine Chapman, Jenny Godfrey, and Peter Keelan.
ISBN: 978-0-9562763-7-7
Publisher: ARLIS/UK & Ireland


Art Researchers’ Guide to Dublin
Edited by Olivia Fitzpatrick & Rose Roberto.
ISBN: 978-0-9562763-3-9
Publisher: ARLIS/UK & Ireland in association with the Royal Dublin Society.


Art Researchers’ Guide to Edinburgh
Editors: Kerry Eldon & Rose Roberto
ISBN: 978-0-9562763-2-2
Publisher: ARLIS/UK & Ireland


Art Researchers’ Guide to Leeds
Editor: Rose Roberto
ISBN: 978-0-9562763-1-5
Publisher: ARLIS/UK & Ireland


Art Researchers’ Guide to Liverpool and Merseyside
Edited by Emily Parsons and Rose Roberto
ISBN: 978-0-9562763-8-4
Publisher: ARLIS/UK & Ireland


Art Researchers’ Guide to Manchester and Salford
Edited by Jayne Burgess & Emma Marigliano.
ISBN: 978-0-9562763-6-0
Publisher: ARLIS/UK & Ireland