Artists’ Books News October 2016

Artists’ Books News, October 2016  Exhibitions Angela Thames – “IT” (is all about the) Books, Chawton House Library, Hampshire. Until 28th October 2016 An exhibition of artists’ books by Angela Thames at Chawton House Library, where she has been Artist-in-Residence since August 2015. The library holds rare and first-edition books, mainly by English women writers […]

AKMB visits the City of Science (Darmstadt)

A group of members of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kunst- und Museumsbibliotheken (AKMB) paid a weekend visit to Darmstadt in early September. The city was once the capital of the Grand Duchy of Hesse and later the state of Hesse, until 1945. This helps to explain the presence of so many grand buildings, though its importance […]

International news

One of the main funding bodies for continuing professional training for specialist librarians is the Initiative Fortbildung für wissenschaftliche Spezialbibliotheken und verwandte Einrichtungen. This autumn they are holding 2 events of particular interest to art librarians. The first is in co-operation with AKMB, for its annual autumn career development event, which will be held in […]