Report: ‘Beginner’s Guide to Cataloguing: AACR2 and MARC21 Basics’, ARLIS/UK&Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee, 10 March 2017

On 10 March 2017 I attended the event ‘Beginner’s Guide to Cataloguing: AACR2 and MARC21 Basics’, organised by the ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee. The event was held at the National Portrait Gallery, in a pleasant training room with enough space to mill about and get to know other participants during the coffee […]

In conversation with…

In our March feature we meet Duncan Chappell, Academic Liaison Librarian at the Glasgow School of Art. We talk Artists’ Books, Brancusi’s shopping habits and pochoir…  How did you come to art librarianship? As with most things of value in life, serendipity played a large role. It wasn’t something I had consciously planned. I studied History of […]

Taking the Plunge: Art Librarianship as a Career Option, 19 April 2017

Taking the Plunge: Art Librarianship as a Career Option Wednesday, 19 April 2017 from 14:00 to 17:30 (GMT) The Library, Goldsmiths, University of London 8 Lewisham Way London SE14 6NW Library The ARLIS Professional Development Committee are pleased to present Taking the Plunge – an event aimed at introducing those interested in a career in art librarianship to the diversity of […]

Books on photographers: cataloguing at the Heinz Archive and Library, National Portrait Gallery

Books on photographers: cataloguing at the Heinz Archive and Library, National Portrait Gallery  The National Portrait Gallery’s Heinz Archive and Library has a fantastic collection of books about British and international photographers which may be of interest to readers of ARLISmatters. This brief update explains an ongoing project to catalogue the material in this collection. […]

ARLIS/NA Conference Stories…the final chapter?

One of my key takeaways from attending ARLIS/NA was that we librarians from either side of the pond are not so different. I attended feeling unsure of how I, as a bantamweight UK art librarian might stack up against our heavyweight US colleagues, and yes there are definitely differences in how organisations are structured and where ‘librarians’ […]

ARLIS/NA Conference Stories…part deux

Each of the three main days of the conference continued to be as packed as the last, with sessions starting early and only minimal opportunities for afternoon beignets breaks. Like UK librarians, US librarians work hard. The balance between the nuts and bolts of librarianship and more general interest sessions relating to art and design […]

ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee

Beginner’s Guide to Cataloguing: AACR2 and MARC21 basics Date:10 March 2017, 10.00am-4.30pm Venue: National Portrait Gallery, St Martin’s Place, London WC2H 0HE The ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee have organized a rerun basic cataloguing training day for those with limited or no past experience in library cataloguing. Are you a student, recent graduate, […]

ARLIS/UK & Ireland AGM, 10 May 2017

©Art Workers’ Guild You are warmly invited to the 2017 ARLIS / UK&Ireland AGM Wednesday 10 May 2017 12.30-4.30pm Art Workers’ Guild 6 Queen Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1 3AT. 12.30-1.30  Registration 1.30-2.15    AGM 2.15-2.45   Tea 2.45-4.30   Members’ discussion of the future development of ARLIS/UK&Ireland Please note that ARLIS is not able to provide lunch on […]

para-text publishing experiment: new issue now available

The third issue of experimental publishing project para·text is now available. ©Emily Fitzell ©Emily Fitzell para·text is a print and online publishing experiment that aims to put space between poetic texts and their paratextual frameworks. para·text is printed roughly twice a year in an edition of 80, on Munken Lynx 120gsm by Hato Press. Corresponding […]

Chair’s report, February 2017

ARLIS Chair’s Report from Council, February 2017 Council met on 16th February at the RCA . Two members were also in attendance virtually, one via Skype and one via FaceTime. We were delighted to hear that Joseph Ripp is willing to serve as our new Treasurer from May 2017; that Gerry White and Liz Kerr […]