Cataloguing and classification ethics: an ARLIS (online) talk

An introductory talk on the ethical issues in cataloguing and classification presented by Deborah Lee, Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL Friday 10 December 2021, 1.30-2.30 pm GMT Held online via Zoom About this event Ethical issues in cataloguing and classification are a critical area of library thinking and practice, and are high priorities for libraries seeking to […]

Taking the Plunge: Art Librarianship as a Career Option [online workshop]

Taking the Plunge: Art Librarianship as a Career Option – Friday 19 November 2021 – ARLIS workshop     The Professional Development Committee of ARLIS/UK & Ireland: the Art Libraries Society are pleased to announce our next event Taking the Plunge: Art Librarianship as a Career Option to be held online on Friday 19 November from 1 – 4pm.     This free event is aimed at introducing those considering a career […]