ARLIS membership – renewal reminder

Dear ARLIS UK & Ireland Members,

As you know, our membership runs yearly from 1st January to 31st December.

If you haven’t done so already, and so that you receive the Art Libraries Journal without delay, (for enhanced membership), and members discounts, please do so by completing the appropriate membership forms from our website no later than the end of January 2018.

Renewals received later than 31st January 2018 will result in late delivery of the Art Libraries Journal (for enhanced membership), and might result in the loss of some membership benefits.


Please note that in order to streamline the process, we no longer offer payment by cheque or Standing Order, (unless you have one already set up, in which case please continue). You can pay either via PayPall* or BACS. Please send the completed form AND information regarding date and method of payment together to the ARLIS Membership email address provided on the form.


If you are not yet a member and might like to join, please use the same forms from our website

Thank you all so much for supporting ARLIS UK & Ireland!

Council, the ALJ Editors and the Committees hope that you will find the events, resources and awards on offer in 2018 to be valuable tools for your  work and career.

Thank you all members and volunteers past and present for all the enthusiastic hard work and support, without you none of the ARLIS UK & Ireland many achievements over the years, would have been possible.

All best wishes to you all  for a much deserved wonderful Christmas holiday and a a very fulfilling and happy 2019!


Carla Marchesan

Chair, ARLIS UK & Ireland


*Please note that PayPal is a USA-based company and all information provided to PayPal will be sent outside the UK & Ireland.