Gut House / Jessa Mockridge (ARLIS/UK & Ireland 50th anniversary event)


Jessa Mockridge


‘Collective’ audio tours with silent disco gear

Friday 25 October, 6:30pm and Saturday 26 October, 3pm
tickets available

Deptford X Opening: 25 October – 2 November, 9am-7pm (excluding Sundays)

Continues indefinitely: Mon – Sat, 9am-7pm (use your own devices)

Now we, organs, return to fish-like times and begin to think.


GUT HOUSE is a thirty minute audio guide for Deptford Town Hall as part of Deptford X Fringe programme. The most important thing is inviting you into the building, in response to one of Goldsmiths Anti-Racist Action (GARA)’s demands; to open Deptford Town Hall to the local community.

The audio guide centres the recent POC student-led occupation of Deptford Town Hall (12 March – 26 July 2019) – and ongoing actions – through the gut and bacteria as a ‘parasitic diagram, referencing the ‘Socio-Parasitology Manifesto’ by Sabrina Mumtaz Hasan.

The unconscious body – mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, anus (students, workers and community) – in solidarity with gut bacteria (GARA), come together to force the conscious body – the brain (Senior Management Team), to meet urgent needs for survival. A chronically sick body supports a politics of care that is necessarily sustained and embedded.

With voice contributions from Goldsmiths Anti-Racist Action, Bury Your Gays (a QTIPOC centred collective), friends and family: Yesenia Ramirez, Emma Massoud, Farrah Riley Gray, Johnny Dior (d0zn_), Amina Jibunoh, Mike Timms and Himali Singh Soin.

Collect the audio guide from reception (transcripts available too) or use your own device. Sound files available from 25 Oct.

Deptford Town Hall, New Cross Rd, New Cross, London SE14 6AF

Unfortunately, this event is not appropriate for children due to the building regulations.

Not wheelchair accessible. An automated stair climber is available– contact or call 020 7919 7121 to arrange in advance.

If you have any access requirements, please email and let me know.

Please be aware that strong language is used.

Thank you to ARLIS, Deptford X and Goldsmiths library.