ARLIS/UK & Ireland 2019 AGM

For all members,

Council is delighted to announce that the 2019 AGM will take place on Monday 13th May and will be kindly hosted by the British Library.

Please follow the link below to sign up to attend the AGM by Friday 12th April.

The day programme is as follows:

12-14:30 Lunch for former volunteers and AGM participants (see below), Dickens Room, Knowledge Centre, BL.

14:30-5pm AGM Elliot Room, Knowledge Centre, BL.

14:30 Chair welcome.

14:35 Welcome and talk on “British Library Artist Books Now evenings” by Jeremy Jenkins, BL.

15:05 Introduction to the British Library current exhibition Writing: Making your Mark

15:35-16:55 AGM

16:55-17:00 Close

There might be an opportunity for those interested to sign up for the Artist Books Now event taking place shortly after the AGM in the same room. This will be a ticketed event organised by the British Library. More information and registration details will be circulated when available.

Minutes of the 2018 AGM and other papers will be emailed to participants shortly after the closing of registration.

Thank you lunch invitation to past Officers, Council and Committee Members.

This being our 50th anniversary year,  Council believes it an excellent opportunity to thank all our past volunteers who made it possible for this organisation to exist and thrive thanks to their dedication and enthusiasm. We would like therefore to invite those past Officers, Council and Committee members who will be able to make it, to a thank you pre-AGM Lunch from 12 to 2pm in the Dickens Room of the British Library Knowledge Centre.

If you think you could make it,  please fill in the AGM registration form. Please pass the message on to anyone you know that might have been part of Council , Officers and Committees but might not see this. As the venue can cater for a limited number of attendees, we might however close the registration earlier and a note will be posted should that happen.

It will be wonderful to see you again and thank you in person. In the  past few years as we were navigating through rough waters and uncertain territories, we have seen so many Committees dissolve, Officers and Council members leave and we have been so occupied with the survival of the Society that we have not been able to properly acknowledge the amazing work and dedication that all those who left gave to the Society. I personally owe a debt of gratitude to so many and look forward to have the opportunity to say that in person.

Many thanks,


(Outgoing Chair)