ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee MARCedit Training
DATE 10 August 2016
TIME 10.00am-1.00pm (registration from 9.30) /2.00pm-5.00pm (registration from 1.30pm)
VENUE Architectural Association, London WC1B 3ES
The ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee have organized two half-day MARCedit training sessions.
Are you a small specialized library low on cataloguing time? Do you need an efficient way to batch edit bibliographic records? Are you looking for an easy way to start updating your catalogue to RDA? Already using MARCedit but want to know more?
Then please join the ARLIS Cataloguing and Classification committee at one of our two half-day training sessions led by Owen Stephens. Owen has worked in Library and IT services within the Higher Education sector for many years and now works as an independent consultant helping libraries use IT to deliver efficient and excellent services for their members.
MARCedit is a free metadata software, created and updated regularly by Terry Reese. It allows for batch editing MARC records so that cataloguers can comprehensively update their bibliographic file in one go. MARCedit offers de-duplication and MARC validator tools, and enables you to find records with missing fields, change uppercase letters to lowercase, generate call numbers, check authorized headings for updates, and more… much, much more.
Please complete the online booking form here by 03 August 2016 at the latest. Please be aware that lunch is not included.
If you would also like to check your membership status before booking, please contact the Business Manager.
For payments options (including paypal) please visit here.