Upcoming Susan Hockey Lecture in Digital Humanities

Graphic Provocations: What do digital humanists want from visualization?

25 May 2016 6.00-7.00pm

Sir David Davies Lecture Theatre, Roberts G08, University College London (UCL)

In the second installment of The Susan Hockey Lecture series, Prof Johanna Drucker will discuss various approaches to visualization, and how these can or could be used by digital humanists.

Digital humanists have adopted visualization methods from a variety of other disciplines, but do they serve the interpretative approaches of the humanities? How might aesthetics and epistemology find common ground and build on conventions from a broader range of visual arts, architectural design, and other graphical techniques? Can we move beyond reductive approaches that turn complex historical and literary phenomena into “data” and expose other aspects of the partial, situated, and constructed character of humanistic work? This talk outlines design principles for engaging with graphical means of interpretation that extend beyond current presentational tools into analytic, speculative, and provocative approaches.

The event is free to attend, and there will be a drinks reception after the lecture. Registration via eventbrite is required.
