Call for papers: ARLIS Conference, Dublin, July 2017

ARLIS UK & Ireland | DUBLIN Conference 2017 |12-14 July 2017 ‘[R]evolution: Re-imagining the Art Library’ CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PROGRAMME Art libraries, and libraries in general, are in the midst of significant disruption. This year’s conference entitled [R]evolution: Re-imagining the Art Library will explore the questions and challenges affecting art libraries today and […]

Exhibition: ‘The Book, the Archive, and the Space’

Please join Ravensbourne Graphic Design BA Year 3 for: The Book, the Archive, and the Space – The visual language of libraries A collaborative live brief with the M25 Consortium of Libraries, The Horniman Library and The British Museum AOA Anthropology Library. 16 March 5–9pm Ravensbourne Library  Level 4  Ravensbourne 6 Penrose Way, Greenwich Peninsula London […]

The Special Collections Handbook: new edition

Facet Publishing announce the release of the second edition of The Special Collections Handbook. The Special Collections Handbook, 2nd edition | Jan 2017 | 336pp | paperback: 9781783301263 | £59.95 | hardback: 9781783301270 | £119.95 | ebook: 9781783301287 | £59.95 This new edition from Alison Cullingford, Special Collections Librarian at the University of Bradford, is […]

Artists’ Books News, February 2017

Artists’ Books News, February 2017 Exhibitions ‘ABLE – Artists Books Limerick Exhibition’ at Limerick School of Art & Design, Ireland. From 20th February 2017 This second annual exhibition of artists’ books made by staff and students, past and present, will run for two weeks from 20th February at the Limerick School of Art & Design, […]

ARLIS/NA conference stories

Hi all, I’ve been meaning to write an earlier post than this but I’ve been on a pretty packed schedule so far, hopefully some of you have been able to follow my updates on twitter as I’ve been re-posting them from the ARLIS/UK twitter account. If you haven’t already search for the hashtag: #arlisUKNOLA to […]