GUT HOUSE audio guide project, Deptford Town Hall, October-November 2019

GUT HOUSE: Deptford Town Hall, 25 October-4 November 2019.   ‘Now we, organs, return to fish-like times and begin to think.’ GUT HOUSE is a thirty-minute audio guide for Deptford Town Hall. It was included in the Deptford X Fringe programme 2019, 25 October – 4 November, a free artist-run community arts festival in and […]

ARLIS 50th anniversary event: Viva Las Projectionistas

Viva Las Projectionistas: ARLIS celebrates women’s art through slides and slides through women’s art Centre for Contemporary Art, Goldsmiths, University of London Wednesday, 30 October 2019: 4-6pm This event, organised by Althea Greenan, and Antonia Lewis from Goldsmiths Library and Special Collections, brought together practitioners and students from Goldsmiths and beyond to look back at […]

Exhibition: MISSES EVERYTHING, August 2019

ARLIS 50th Anniversary event: MISSES EVERYTHING, August 2019 The exhibition MISSES EVERYTHING took place at Jupiter Woods in South London during August 2019. The project stemmed from a year-long conversation between artist Georgia Lucas-Going and curator Katie Simpson, in collaboration with The Women’s Art Library at Goldsmiths College, London, responding to the question ‘how can we thrive […]