Council news…

Council met on the morning of 13 April before the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Council business tends to follow a rather routine pattern with reports from the officers (Chair, Hon. Treasurer,  Hon. Secretary) and Business Manager, as well as reports from the chairs of each of our committees alongside updates on conference planning and other activities. Our […]

In conversation with…

Have you ever wondered what the ARLIS/UK & Ireland Chair does? David Pulford, Library Subject Advisor at the University of Birmingham, is our current Chair and, in this special edition of ‘In conversation with…’, has given me all the insider info on what it’s like at the top. How did you first get involved with ARLIS/UK & […]

Partial View: new artists’ books display at ECA

Partial View: new display by artist in residence Susie Wilson Exhibition at Edinburgh College of Art Library, Evolution House, Level 1. ECA’s artist in residence Susie Wilson has made a selection of artists’ books from the ECA Library collection, and her display of this selection, “Partial View”, has now opened at ECA Library. Artists’ books display, […]

Upcoming Susan Hockey Lecture in Digital Humanities

Graphic Provocations: What do digital humanists want from visualization? 25 May 2016 6.00-7.00pm Sir David Davies Lecture Theatre, Roberts G08, University College London (UCL) In the second installment of The Susan Hockey Lecture series, Prof Johanna Drucker will discuss various approaches to visualization, and how these can or could be used by digital humanists. Digital humanists […]

Upcoming UAL-wide conference: Im/Material: Encounters within the Creative Arts Archive

Im/Material: Encounters within the Creative Arts Archive Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May 2016 Banqueting Suite, Chelsea College of Arts, London, SW1P 4JU Im/Material: Encounters within the Creative Arts Archive brings together UK and international artists, archivists, curators and academics to consider the role of the archive in the creation, interpretation and preservation of culture. The […]

Upcoming talks at the Stuart Hall Library, Iniva.

The Stuart Hall Library at Iniva (the Institute of International Visual Arts) has organised a series of three talks with artists as part of our Clothes, Cloth and Culture Group series.  The Clothes, Cloth and Culture Group is a monthly forum for creative practitioners and thinkers across the spectrum of artists, designers, curators, writers and […]

Celebrating The Women of Colour Index in conversation with Rita Keegan

Event at the Showroom, London, 5th May 2016, 6:30-9pm An evening celebrating the friends of the Women of Colour Index (WOCI), a unique collection of slides and papers relating to the emergence of Black women artists in the UK in the mid-1980s. The collection was curated by the Black British-American artist, Rita Keegan during the 1980s-early […]

In conversation with…

In this April feature we meet Vicky Kontou, Assistant Librarian (Acquisitions & Collection Development) at the Courtauld Institute of Art. She fills me in on cataloguing, collection development and the most surprising artists’ books hidden in dusty corners. How did you come to art librarianship? My BA and first MA degrees were in History of Art. After a […]

Artists’ books news, April 2016

Exhibitions  The Private Press Today at Gordon Russell Design Museum, Broadway, Worcestershire. 30th April – 30 June 2016 From Marytn Ould of The Old School Press: An exhibition of twenty UK presses, transferred from the recent show at St Bride. The Gordon Russell Design Museum in Broadway Worcestershire will be hosting an exhibition of private […]

Reminder: ARLIS/UK & Ireland 2016 AGM

Don’t forget, the ARLIS/UK & Ireland 2016 AGM will be taking place on 13 April, at the Paul Mellon Centre.  This is your chance to be updated on the past year of ARLIS/UK & Ireland activity, to re-connect with your wonderful art library and archive peers and to have your say on the upcoming year. […]